A street dog has been caught in the net trap and is been vaccinated. Under the National Rabies Eradication Program 2020 in Bangladesh, stray dogs are being vaccinated through Sylhet City Corporation, Implementation by Zoonotic disease program, Disease Control Branch (CDC ) , Department of Health. According to the Animal Welfare Act, 2012, which was passed in Parliament this year, killing an animal carries a jail term of six months or a fine of BDT 10,000. Any kind of cruelty to animals can be dealt with if proper implementation of this law is ensured. Sylhet, Bangladesh
Rafayat - (Bangladesh) Kkhan/Majority World
A street dog has been caught in the net trap and is been vaccinated. Under the National Rabies Eradication Program 2020 in Bangladesh, stray dogs are being vaccinated through Sylhet City Corporation, Implementation by Zoonotic disease program, Disease Control Branch (CDC ) , Department of Health. According to the Animal Welfare Act, 2012, which was passed in Parliament this year, killing an animal carries a jail term of six months or a fine of BDT 10,000. Any kind of cruelty to animals can be dealt with if proper implementation of this law is ensured. Sylhet, Bangladesh
Date Created:
2021-02-23 00:00:00
Rafayat Khan
National Rabies Eradication Activities in Bangladesh 2020.
Image Description:
A street dog has been caught in the net trap and is been vaccinated. Under the National Rabies Eradication Program 2020 in Bangladesh, stray dogs are being vaccinated through Sylhet City Corporation, Implementation by Zoonotic disease program, Disease Con