On a foggy winter morning in Jaintapur Upazila in the foothills of Meghalaya bordering Bangladesh, Snail-Shelled birds are roaming in Dibir Haor. Due to suitable environment, sufficient food and breeding facilities, Snail-Shelled birds are now found roaming all over Bangladesh. This water bird has started living permanently in areas near canals and rivers of the country. Snail-Shelled birds, a bird of Asian continent, is a species of large white bird in the family Syconidae (Anastomus). Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Rafayat - (Bangladesh) Kkhan/Majority World
On a foggy winter morning in Jaintapur Upazila in the foothills of Meghalaya bordering Bangladesh, Snail-Shelled birds are roaming in Dibir Haor. Due to suitable environment, sufficient food and breeding facilities, Snail-Shelled birds are now found roaming all over Bangladesh. This water bird has started living permanently in areas near canals and rivers of the country. Snail-Shelled birds, a bird of Asian continent, is a species of large white bird in the family Syconidae (Anastomus). Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Date Created:
2024-02-03 00:00:00
Rafayat Khan
The Openbill Stork (snail shell bird) Bird is wandering in the haor of Bangladesh
Image Description:
On a foggy winter morning in Jaintapur Upazila in the foothills of Meghalaya bordering Bangladesh, Snail-Shelled birds are roaming in Dibir Haor. Due to suitable environment, sufficient food and breeding facilities, Snail-Shelled birds are now found roami