Every situation creates its own opportunities. Bad weather is a fact of life, and while it doesn't have the monsoons, Europe certainly has its share of rain. In between the patches of rain, pools of water form interesting shapes that reflect the clouds and the sky. Patterns are everywhere. One merely needs to look out for them. Geneva, Switzerland.
Shahidul - (Bangladesh) Alam/Drik/Majority World
Every situation creates its own opportunities. Bad weather is a fact of life, and while it doesn't have the monsoons, Europe certainly has its share of rain. In between the patches of rain, pools of water form interesting shapes that reflect the clouds and the sky. Patterns are everywhere. One merely needs to look out for them. Geneva, Switzerland.
Date Created:
2013-11-09 00:00:00
Shahidul Alam
Copyright Notice:
Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority world
Image Description:
Every situation creates its own opportunities. Bad weather is a fact of life, and while it doesn't have the monsoons, Europe certainly has its share of rain. In between the patches of rain, pools of water form interesting shapes that reflect the clouds an