Mobile phones have very high depth of field. This can sometimes be a disadvantage, as distracting backgrounds are difficult to eliminate. For this still life, I therefore placed the vase in front of a neutral background. The texture helped. Careful placement on the grey base, the symmetry, and the graphic structure emphasised the form, while the hardness of the base and the background contrasted with the soft petals. Switzerland.
Shahidul - (Bangladesh) Alam/Drik/Majority World
Mobile phones have very high depth of field. This can sometimes be a disadvantage, as distracting backgrounds are difficult to eliminate. For this still life, I therefore placed the vase in front of a neutral background. The texture helped. Careful placement on the grey base, the symmetry, and the graphic structure emphasised the form, while the hardness of the base and the background contrasted with the soft petals. Switzerland.
Date Created:
2013-11-09 00:00:00
Shahidul Alam
Copyright Notice:
Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority world
Image Description:
Mobile phones have very high depth of field. This can sometimes be a disadvantage, as distracting backgrounds are difficult to eliminate. For this still life, I therefore placed the vase in front of a neutral background. The texture helped. Careful placem