This little alleyway is not used much and leaves are lying on the tarmac. The sunlight filtering through let in just enough light to provide detail in the shadows. A low angle accentuated the leaves while showing the arch formed by the branches above. Dully, Geneva, Switzerland.
Shahidul - (Bangladesh) Alam/Drik/Majority World
This little alleyway is not used much and leaves are lying on the tarmac. The sunlight filtering through let in just enough light to provide detail in the shadows. A low angle accentuated the leaves while showing the arch formed by the branches above. Dully, Geneva, Switzerland.
Date Created:
2013-11-09 00:00:00
Shahidul Alam
Copyright Notice:
Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority world
Image Description:
This little alleyway is not used much and leaves are lying on the tarmac. The sunlight filtering through let in just enough light to provide detail in the shadows. A low angle accentuated the leaves while showing the arch formed by the branches above. Dul