Jean Paul (10 years old) most known as "Pinky Finger" dresses up with his clown outfit inside a tent at the "Merry Circus", a small peruvian circus travelling company, in Manchay, Lima, Perú. Born in Ecuador, Pinky Finger can cash $350 per week between guest appearances in tv programmes and in different circus companies. All of his work earnings go to his family to which he has become the main financial income. He doesn't want to study and dreams about working at the Cirque du Soleil....
Jean Paul (10 years old) most known as "Pinky Finger" dresses up with his clown outfit inside a tent at the "Merry Circus", a small peruvian circus travelling company, in Manchay, Lima, Perú. Born in Ecuador, Pinky Finger can cash $350 per week between guest appearances in tv programmes and in different circus companies. All of his work earnings go to his family to which he has become the main financial income. He doesn't want to study and dreams about working at the Cirque du Soleil....
Date Created:
2015-08-23 00:00:00
Paco Chuquiure
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Copyright Majority World
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Jean Paul (10 years old) most known as "Pinky Finger" dresses up with his clown outfit inside a tent at the "Merry Circus", a small peruvian circus travelling company, in Manchay, Lima, Perú. Born in Ecuador, Pinky Finger can cash $350 per week between gu