Paco Chuquiure

Company Name: Paco Chuquiure

Location: , Peru

Member Since: Dec 23, 2016

Paco Chuquiure was born and raised in Lima, Perú. She started her professional career as a photojournalist for several Peruvian newspapers (Ojo, Correo and La República), magazines (Caretas, Etecé), and international news agencies (EFE and Reuters). One of the first initiatives in this field was the co-founding of the photo collective SUPAY FOTOS. In 2008 Paco won the Peruvian National Prize for Documentary Photography (Eugene Courret Prize).

During the last ten years she has been developing documentary essays about the contradictions of the human condition in Peru, mostly personal photo projects based around topics like the nature of poverty, identity issues and marginalization.

Paco has had three individual exhibitions: Family Album (K Galeria. Lisboa, Portugal 2009), Becoming Big (Encuentros Abiertos, Festival de la Luz. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012) and Album Familiar (Centro Cultural PUCP. Lima, Perú 2017). The last photo endeavour is called ALBUM FAMILIAR, a ten year exploration of the evolution of poverty in the urban cities of Lima, Perú.