Chefs preparing Okonomiyaki, known as Hiroshimaâs soul food and served in some 2,000 restaurants in and around the city. Okonomiyaki first appeared after World War II as a cheap, filling food to satisfy the hunger of workers. The dish features pork, eggs and soba noodles. Made with a thin, crepe-like base layer and piled with ingredients, the pancake is cooked on a long, flat griddle. The patty contains dried green seaweed flakes, green onions, bean sprouts and cabbage. Japan.
Saiful - (Bangladesh / United Kingdom) Islam/Majority World
Chefs preparing Okonomiyaki, known as Hiroshimaâs soul food and served in some 2,000 restaurants in and around the city. Okonomiyaki first appeared after World War II as a cheap, filling food to satisfy the hunger of workers. The dish features pork, eggs and soba noodles. Made with a thin, crepe-like base layer and piled with ingredients, the pancake is cooked on a long, flat griddle. The patty contains dried green seaweed flakes, green onions, bean sprouts and cabbage. Japan.
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Chefs preparing Okonomiyaki, known as Hiroshima’s soul food and served in some 2,000 restaurants in and around the city. Okonomiyaki first appeared after World War II as a cheap, filling food to satisfy the hunger of workers. The dish features pork, eggs