Vending machines in Japan have an enormous variety of products which you can buy from. Sometimes, it does feel like finding a treasure just because of how unique these vending machines are, and how unusual it is to come across a vending machine that is quite different from others. In Fukuoka, a southern city in Japan, this vending machine sells complete food dishes. Japan.
Saiful - (Bangladesh / United Kingdom) Islam/Majority World
Vending machines in Japan have an enormous variety of products which you can buy from. Sometimes, it does feel like finding a treasure just because of how unique these vending machines are, and how unusual it is to come across a vending machine that is quite different from others. In Fukuoka, a southern city in Japan, this vending machine sells complete food dishes. Japan.
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Vending machines in Japan have an enormous variety of products which you can buy from. Sometimes, it does feel like finding a treasure just because of how unique these vending machines are, and how unusual it is to come across a vending machine that is qu