The inside of the Liberation War Gallery in the State Museum of Tripura, is dimly lit by the exhibits of the war of liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Tripura and the city of Agartala, its residents and the local party in power, CPM, played a significant role in the liberation struggle of Bangladesh from the heinous occupation of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Along with this gallery the museum houses a rare and exclusive collection of archaeological items; sculptures, Terracotta, Bronze Images, Coins of the Tripuri kingdom, paintings and other historical items which are excavated from the other historical places of Tripura. Tripura. India.
Saiful - (Bangladesh / United Kingdom) Islam/Majority World
The inside of the Liberation War Gallery in the State Museum of Tripura, is dimly lit by the exhibits of the war of liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Tripura and the city of Agartala, its residents and the local party in power, CPM, played a significant role in the liberation struggle of Bangladesh from the heinous occupation of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Along with this gallery the museum houses a rare and exclusive collection of archaeological items; sculptures, Terracotta, Bronze Images, Coins of the Tripuri kingdom, paintings and other historical items which are excavated from the other historical places of Tripura. Tripura. India.
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Saiful Islam
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Saiful Islam/ Majority World
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The inside of the Liberation War Gallery in the State Museum of Tripura, is dimly lit by the exhibits of the war of liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Tripura and the city of Agartala, its residents and the local party in power, CPM, played a significant