Rose buds covered with rain drops in the garden. As the petals of this variety have two colors, it is also known as 'Double delight Rose'...A rose is a flowering shrub of the genus Rosa, and the flower of this shrub. There are more than a hundred species of wild roses, all from the northern hemisphere and mostly from temperate regions. The species form a group of generally prickly shrubs or climbers, and sometimes trailing plants, reaching 25 m tall, rarely reaching as high as 20 m by climbing over other plants...Photograph taken on 5th-May-2007 with Nikon D80 digital camera.
Rose buds covered with rain drops in the garden. As the petals of this variety have two colors, it is also known as 'Double delight Rose'...A rose is a flowering shrub of the genus Rosa, and the flower of this shrub. There are more than a hundred species of wild roses, all from the northern hemisphere and mostly from temperate regions. The species form a group of generally prickly shrubs or climbers, and sometimes trailing plants, reaching 25 m tall, rarely reaching as high as 20 m by climbing over other plants...Photograph taken on 5th-May-2007 with Nikon D80 digital camera.
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Om Prakash Yadav
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Rose buds covered with rain drops in the garden. As the petals of this variety have two colors, it is also known as 'Double delight Rose'...A rose is a flowering shrub of the genus Rosa, and the flower of this shrub. There are more than a hundred species