On the first day of BNP's three-day nationwide blockade program, no Dhaka-bound buses left Sylhet. People had to depend on inter-city trains to reach their destinations, which saw a heavy rush at the railway station. Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Rafayat - (Bangladesh) Kkhan/Majority World
On the first day of BNP's three-day nationwide blockade program, no Dhaka-bound buses left Sylhet. People had to depend on inter-city trains to reach their destinations, which saw a heavy rush at the railway station. Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Date Created:
2023-10-31 00:00:00
Rafayat Khan
Bangladesh Opposition Political Party BNP's nationwide blockade program
Image Description:
On the first day of BNP's three-day nationwide blockade program, no Dhaka-bound buses left Sylhet. People had to depend on inter-city trains to reach their destinations, which saw a heavy rush at the railway station. Sylhet, Bangladesh.