In a cockfight in Akhalia area of Sylhet city, two roosters are fighting. Spectators enjoying the cock fight. The organizers said that this is their effort to retain the tradition of rural Bengal. On the other hand, there are restrictions in different areas of Sylhet to organize cock fights. Sylhet, Bangladesh,
Rafayat - (Bangladesh) Kkhan/Majority World
In a cockfight in Akhalia area of Sylhet city, two roosters are fighting. Spectators enjoying the cock fight. The organizers said that this is their effort to retain the tradition of rural Bengal. On the other hand, there are restrictions in different areas of Sylhet to organize cock fights. Sylhet, Bangladesh,
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In a cockfight in Akhalia area of Sylhet city, two roosters are fighting. Spectators enjoying the cock fight. The organizers said that this is their effort to retain the tradition of rural Bengal. On the other hand, there are restrictions in different are