Workers preparing the ground with the complex and stands in the background under construction. The new International Cricket stadium in the Lakkatura tea garden area of Sylhet has already applied to the International Cricket Council (ICC) for international recognition. Bangladesh.
Rafayat - (Bangladesh) Khan/Majority World
Workers preparing the ground with the complex and stands in the background under construction. The new International Cricket stadium in the Lakkatura tea garden area of Sylhet has already applied to the International Cricket Council (ICC) for international recognition. Bangladesh.
Date Created:
2021-01-27 00:00:00
Rafayat Khan
CRICKET 2021 : BANGLADESH : âSYLHET CRICKET GROUNDS-2 '' is the first full-fledged cricket complex in Bangladesh.
Image Description:
Workers preparing the ground with the complex and stands in the background under construction. The new International Cricket stadium in the Lakkatura tea garden area of Sylhet has already applied to the International Cricket Council (ICC) for internationa