CheetahÕs are very endangered and there are fewer then 18000 world wide. These beautiful animals like falcons were also used for hunting purposes many of thousands of years ago with principles similar to Falconry by the Egyptian Pharaohs. They even had a hoodÊto cover the cheetah's eyes when it was riding on the horse drawn carts, this hood is also used on falcons.Ê .Ê .Cheetah are easily recognisable because of there distinctive tear drop marks along the sides of their face. There is an African Zulu Legend that says a Mother Cheetah went out hunting and when she returned her cubs had been eaten by lions and so she cried and cried staining her cheeks. 24.07.2009 Free State, South Africa..
James - (South Africa) Oertel/Majority World
CheetahÕs are very endangered and there are fewer then 18000 world wide. These beautiful animals like falcons were also used for hunting purposes many of thousands of years ago with principles similar to Falconry by the Egyptian Pharaohs. They even had a hoodÊto cover the cheetah's eyes when it was riding on the horse drawn carts, this hood is also used on falcons.Ê .Ê .Cheetah are easily recognisable because of there distinctive tear drop marks along the sides of their face. There is an African Zulu Legend that says a Mother Cheetah went out hunting and when she returned her cubs had been eaten by lions and so she cried and cried staining her cheeks. 24.07.2009 Free State, South Africa..
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James Oertel
South Africa
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CheetahÕs are very endangered and there are fewer then 18000 world wide. These beautiful animals like falcons were also used for hunting purposes many of thousands of years ago with principles similar to Falconry by the Egyptian Pharaohs. They even had a