Ibrahim 28 years old is a member of syrian army wounded during battle with rebels at Army hospital in Damascus .Syrians in the capital of Damascus continue to support President Bashar Assad despite their fears. They simply want to maintain their way of life. A recent British defense study showed that about 100,000 militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people. According to the UN, Since the war started more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million of others displaced due to the violence.on March,20/2013. Photo: Hassan Ghaedi
Ibrahim 28 years old is a member of syrian army wounded during battle with rebels at Army hospital in Damascus .Syrians in the capital of Damascus continue to support President Bashar Assad despite their fears. They simply want to maintain their way of life. A recent British defense study showed that about 100,000 militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people. According to the UN, Since the war started more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million of others displaced due to the violence.on March,20/2013. Photo: Hassan Ghaedi
Date Created:
2013-03-20 00:00:00
Hassan Ghaedi
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Copyright Majority World
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Ibrahim 28 years old is a member of syrian army wounded during battle with rebels at Army hospital in Damascus .Syrians in the capital of Damascus continue to support President Bashar Assad despite their fears. They simply want to maintain their way of l