As we return to UB, Mongolia more stops at an ovoo (Mongolian: æ?ææ, heap) which is a type of shamanistic cairn usually made from rocks or from wood. Ovoos are often found at the top of mountains and in high places, like mountain passes. They serve mainly as religious sites, used in worship of the mountains and the sky as well as in Buddhist ceremonies, but often are also landmarks. ..When travelling, it is custom to stop and circle an ovoo three times in clockwise direction, in order to have a safer journey. Usually, rocks are picked up from the ground and added to the pile. Also, one may leave offerings in the form of sweets, money, milk, or vodka.
As we return to UB, Mongolia more stops at an ovoo (Mongolian: æ?ææ, heap) which is a type of shamanistic cairn usually made from rocks or from wood. Ovoos are often found at the top of mountains and in high places, like mountain passes. They serve mainly as religious sites, used in worship of the mountains and the sky as well as in Buddhist ceremonies, but often are also landmarks. ..When travelling, it is custom to stop and circle an ovoo three times in clockwise direction, in order to have a safer journey. Usually, rocks are picked up from the ground and added to the pile. Also, one may leave offerings in the form of sweets, money, milk, or vodka.
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0000-00-00 00:00:00
Suchit Nanda
Suchit Nanda
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As we return to UB, Mongolia more stops at an ovoo (Mongolian: –æ–≤–æ–æ, heap) which is a type of shamanistic cairn usually made from rocks or from wood. Ovoos are often found at the top of mountains and in high places, like mountain passes. They serve ma