During the month of Ramadan. Lina, 18 years old, reads script from the Holy Koran She used to go to school when young, but soon after Taliban came in power, they imposed complete restriction on womenÕs education and it was impossible for her to continue. Like many of her friends, she too had to stop going to school. Now that there is news of school opening even for girls, she feels she has fallen through the cracks, and it is too late for her to go to regular school. Because she still wants to be able to continue her education, she has joined an adult literacy center run by an NGO. Kabul. Afghanistan..She said, "I dont know what will happen to Afghanistan this time, but I hope peace returns to our country so we can continue our education and find work. Every one is jobless."."We have forgotten what it feels like to be free. I wish I could fly like a bird and see the whole world."
Shehzad - (Pakistan) Noorani/Majority World
During the month of Ramadan. Lina, 18 years old, reads script from the Holy Koran She used to go to school when young, but soon after Taliban came in power, they imposed complete restriction on womenÕs education and it was impossible for her to continue. Like many of her friends, she too had to stop going to school. Now that there is news of school opening even for girls, she feels she has fallen through the cracks, and it is too late for her to go to regular school. Because she still wants to be able to continue her education, she has joined an adult literacy center run by an NGO. Kabul. Afghanistan..She said, "I dont know what will happen to Afghanistan this time, but I hope peace returns to our country so we can continue our education and find work. Every one is jobless."."We have forgotten what it feels like to be free. I wish I could fly like a bird and see the whole world."
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Shehzad Noorani
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During the month of Ramadan. Lina, 18 years old, reads script from the Holy Koran She used to go to school when young, but soon after Taliban came in power, they imposed complete restriction on womenÕs education and it was impossible for her to continue.