L. P. Shiryani cooks where her house used to be, now completely destroyed. Her house is less than 150 meters from the sea. When the water came, she was thrown over 1/2 km away from her home and severe injures in her legs. She said, Our house is all gone, but at least we have the land. God took what he had to, but now government is after what is left. We are not allowed to rebuild near the sea anymore..Kottagoda village, 9 km south of Matara city in Matara district..Note: According to new regulations recently announced, no one can build residential homes less than 300 meters from the sea and commercial properties less than 100 meters from the sea.
Shehzad - (Pakistan) Noorani/Majority World
L. P. Shiryani cooks where her house used to be, now completely destroyed. Her house is less than 150 meters from the sea. When the water came, she was thrown over 1/2 km away from her home and severe injures in her legs. She said, Our house is all gone, but at least we have the land. God took what he had to, but now government is after what is left. We are not allowed to rebuild near the sea anymore..Kottagoda village, 9 km south of Matara city in Matara district..Note: According to new regulations recently announced, no one can build residential homes less than 300 meters from the sea and commercial properties less than 100 meters from the sea.
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0000-00-00 00:00:00
Shehzad Noorani
Sri Lanka
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L. P. Shiryani cooks where her house used to be, now completely destroyed. Her house is less than 150 meters from the sea. When the water came, she was thrown over 1/2 km away from her home and severe injures in her legs. She said, “Our house is all gone,