Zarifa Abdel Tawab (45 years old) has five children, two boys and three girls. The oldest son (27 years old) is married with a child of his own, has moved out, but still supports his mother and siblings. Two of the three girls were married, but now divorced due to economical reason and live with their mother. ..Though Zarifa has always been poor, but her husbands death due to sickness made their economical situation worst. When her husband was alive even a few days ago, Zarifa used to sell bread to support him and the rest of the family, but she is not able to do that either. Other than whatever little support she gets from her oldest son, there is no other source of income for them anymore. They stay in a government subsidized home for which they have to pay 35 Egyptian Pounds, about seven US dollars per month. She has failed to make payments before and a court case is filed against her. Unless someone helps out, it seems she will have to be in court soon. Ein Helwan in Cairo, Egypt. May 27, 2007.
Shehzad - (Pakistan) Noorani/Majority World
Zarifa Abdel Tawab (45 years old) has five children, two boys and three girls. The oldest son (27 years old) is married with a child of his own, has moved out, but still supports his mother and siblings. Two of the three girls were married, but now divorced due to economical reason and live with their mother. ..Though Zarifa has always been poor, but her husbands death due to sickness made their economical situation worst. When her husband was alive even a few days ago, Zarifa used to sell bread to support him and the rest of the family, but she is not able to do that either. Other than whatever little support she gets from her oldest son, there is no other source of income for them anymore. They stay in a government subsidized home for which they have to pay 35 Egyptian Pounds, about seven US dollars per month. She has failed to make payments before and a court case is filed against her. Unless someone helps out, it seems she will have to be in court soon. Ein Helwan in Cairo, Egypt. May 27, 2007.
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Zarifa Abdel Tawab (45 years old) has five children, two boys and three girls. The oldest son (27 years old) is married with a child of his own, has moved out, but still supports his mother and siblings. Two of the three girls were married, but now divorc