Sitting inside her fallen home, Nadishani (14 years old) looks for useable cloths from a suitcase..Narrating her story Nadishani said, While I was playing outside in the morning with a friend, I heard lot of people saying run, water is coming, run. We just started running with everyone. We saw water coming and destroying things behind us, but we kept running. We took shelter in a temple. Later I found my parents too, but my younger sister Harshini was missing. We did not find her for another two days. Eventually she was found. A neighbour had taken her to her relatives place. There is no space in temple, thus we all live in open now. There are many people like us, so we dont feel alone. It is very difficult to sleep as there are too many mosquitoes.
Shehzad - (Pakistan) Noorani/Majority World
Sitting inside her fallen home, Nadishani (14 years old) looks for useable cloths from a suitcase..Narrating her story Nadishani said, While I was playing outside in the morning with a friend, I heard lot of people saying run, water is coming, run. We just started running with everyone. We saw water coming and destroying things behind us, but we kept running. We took shelter in a temple. Later I found my parents too, but my younger sister Harshini was missing. We did not find her for another two days. Eventually she was found. A neighbour had taken her to her relatives place. There is no space in temple, thus we all live in open now. There are many people like us, so we dont feel alone. It is very difficult to sleep as there are too many mosquitoes.
Date Created:
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Shehzad Noorani
Sri Lanka
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Copyright Majority World
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Sitting inside her fallen home, Nadishani (14 years old) looks for useable cloths from a suitcase..Narrating her story Nadishani said, “While I was playing outside in the morning with a friend, I heard lot of people saying run, water is coming, run. We ju